Friday, March 23, 2007


Another summer-like evening gave us an opportunity for our first ride in the wagon...a wagon we've had for 20 years. This little wagon has spent the last decade helping haul things around the garden and has been more reliable than the wheel barrow, which has a finicky front wheel. It's lost alot of its interior paint, but it cleaned up pretty good. After a few tenuous moments, Alex discovered the wagon is almost as much fun as a stroller ride. After his ride he had fun playing with Dad in the warm evening air. (Yes, once again he's trucking around in just his onsie. Honestly, we do own clothes for him. They just never seem to be on him when the camera is out.)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Eighteen months - time for a riding toy

Alex will be 18 months old this week, so I decided it's time for a bike. Well, sort of a bike. It has wheels and you sit on it. But he'd prefer to lay on the floor next to it and play with the wheels. The boy is obsessed with wheels. We had beautiful warm weather again this weekend, so I broke out the summer pajamas tonight. I bought these off the Nordstrom sales rack last summer. They didn't look quite so girly at the time. This is the first time I've put them on Alex....or should we call him Alexa when he's wearing them?

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Happy Baby

Did I mention that I posted a video to YouTube that prompted me to finally start blogging? One weekend in February we had a nice warm day. We moved the water table outside and finally filled it up with water. Alex loved it! The table (which is really just a big divided bucket on legs) came with two little boats, a yellow cup and a tower, complete with water wheel. Water poured into the top of the tower cascades over the wheel, spinning it, then down into the top level of the table, where a waterfall flows down a ramp into the lower level of the table. We poured more water over that wheel! When we were finally finished, the clothes were soaked, so off they came. Alex enjoyed some time after that sans clothing. And that's when this video was taken. He has such a great giggle!