Thursday, March 26, 2009

Writing, finally

One of the things Alex has shown absolutely no interest in - ever - is picking up pen (pencil, marker, crayon, chalk or any other writing implement) and putting it to paper (or any other surface). In fact, from early on he was down right emphatic about not participating in anything remotely related to writing. Finally that is changing! He's taken an interest lately in the big chalkboard easel in the playroom, drawing great sweeping circles around and around. He's always loved circles and it's been fun to see him enjoy creating his own (finally!). Tonight we had an even bigger breakthrough. His very first person:

and his very first attempt to write his name (I've highlighted each letter to help you read it - A in yellow, L in blue, E in green and X in magenta):

I am one proud mama!

Friday, March 13, 2009

wow, where does the time go?

I can't believe it's been so long since my last post. I guess we've been busy! Alex had another eye exam under anesthesia in early February. His condition remains stable - no better and no worse. They determined that he is nearsighted on top of everything else, so he now has glasses, which should help a little 'at places like the zoo', according to the doctor. They are just a hindrance when he's indoors and doing work at the table, so we don't see him wearing them very often. But he sure is cute when he does!

As a gift from my company the four of us spent a week at Club Med Ixtapa Pacific in late February. It was heavenly to be 'in summer' after the long cold December and wet February we've had at home.

Melinda was a pro at lounging. She's now 16 months old and has really come into her own in the last few weeks. Suddenly we're seeing lots of smiles and hearing lots of laughter, after five months of very serious study and observation on her part. She takes learning very seriously. And her work pays off. She's feeding herself with a spoon and fork, and not far from using a knife. She drinks from a cup without spilling (most of the time) and is down to just a bottle or two a day - one of which remains in the middle of the night. She's even used the potty a couple of times in the past week. My little overachiever. We invested in a Learning Station and both Alex and Melinda love being at the counter helping prepare meals. Stirring and pouring are favorite contributions.