Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Where's mom?

As you may have already figured out, I am usually the one behind the camera. Couple that with the fact that Alex can't get enough of his dad at the moment and the result is that nearly every picture of Alex these days is him in his dad's arms. I think Dad was feeling a bit guilty about that this morning. During breakfast he appeared with the camera in hand. Here are the stellar results. Hmmm.

Ok, so it isn't always that bad. Here's another one, taken last weekend.

And one where you can actually see Alex too.

And in other news, we've started potty training - check out the big boy pants. We spent a little time on Saturday being diaper free. Don't you love the expression?

"Must you?"

1 comment:

meichun said...

wow, what a big boy to start diaper training, can't wait to share with Spring Peach and the nannies. I met the volunteer who loved Alex the best, remember? she had taken you to Tainan Airport. she asked me about Alex, she was so happy to know Alex is doing so wonderfully at his forever home, Spring Peach will print out Alex's photos for her.