Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

It was a quiet one at our house this year. No company, not even all of the kids home. A bored toddler, tired college student and grumpy parents made for one of those days. Last year at Thanksgiving Alex had been home just 5 weeks. With a house full of company he was overwhelmed and over stimulated before the day was half over. This year we took the opposite approach - no excitement whatsoever. But still he was having a meltdown by the time Thanksgiving dinner hit the table mid-afternoon. Maybe he just doesn't like Thanksgiving? He certainly doesn't like eating dinner at 3:30. These photos capture the essence of our holiday.

Alex drives his cars down the piano keys

Liz does her chemistry homework

Dan and dad munch out while waiting for dinner

1 comment:

wzgirl said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Lynne. I love everyone's expressions. So real. That is what TGiving is about in my book - keepin' it real. XO