Monday, July 16, 2007

Something to smile about

A year ago we were in the throes of waiting for the court process in Taiwan to end. We had been receiving monthly updates about Alex for five months, and were anxious for a decree that would let us fly to Taiwan and bring him home. Month after month we received photos of a very serious baby.

We wanted to see him smile. DH said it best when he said that he was anxious to have him home so we could give him something to smile about.

What a difference a year makes!

The boy is in perpetual motion, a giggle and a grin accompanying just about everything he does.

1 comment:

meichun said...

it's joyful to enjoy the update and the latest pictures of Alex. he does make a huge difference of his development. I enjoy seeing his big smeles and can't wait to share it with Spring Peach at St . Lucy.