Sunday, July 29, 2007

Uncle Al

Alex is going to be an uncle! One of our older daughters is expecting a baby in January. Last month they sent us the baby's first picture. DH said to her "Wow, what a cute baby!"

We can't wait! We're also imagining the day when we have to explain, yes they are all ours...these two are our children, and this one is our grand-child. This coming week DD has the sonogram appointment where they should be able to tell her the gender. I can't wait to find out if I'll be busy buying more baby boy clothes, or more baby girl things. What fun!

On the China adoption front, the CCAA (official government body in China that handles all the international adoptions) announced this week that they have completed the review of all dossiers received in June, 2006. That means our dossier went through review without a single question. Completing review means we've been approved for adoption. Next step is referral. We have six and a half months of other applicants in line in front of us, so referral is likely to be still some time away. We're still hoping that it will happen in 2008.

1 comment:

meichun said...

thank you for sharing the wonderful news of your daughter who is expecting next January. Wow,Alex will become baby's uncle. Hope you can get the referral from China soon, then Alex will have a good playmate.

Mei Chun